The Hard Facts Newsletter by L.L. Geans
The Hard Facts newsletter features a recent L.L. Geans' project. It's a great way to learn about our capabilities, products and services. If you would like to receive our newsletter, submit your request here.
2016 Winter - L.L. Geans Completes Projects for Federal-Mogul and Dearborn Crane 2014 Spring - L.L. Geans Completes Projects for South Bend Tribune Warehouse/Distribution Center 2014 Winter - L.L. Geans Reduces Fire and Safety Hazards During Demolition Work at Colbert Packaging 2013 Fall - L.L. Geans Builds Safety into Furnace Base and Run-Out Pit for Federal-Mogul Winter 2013 - L.L. Geans Builds Machine Base for Walerko Tool and Engineering Fall 2012 - L.L. Geans Repairs Cracked and Damaged Concrete Floors for Koontz Wagner Spring 2012 - L.L. Geans Chosen for Voorde Park Project Summer 2011 - Eight Reasons to Choose L.L. Geans |