L.L. Geans Construction Company - Mishawaka, IndianaLL Geans Concrete Construction - Building Your Trust with Solid Service
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Quality Concrete Construction Service since 1959 - L.L. Geans Construction Co.

"Building Your Trust with Solid Service"

L.L. Geans has been a trusted resource in our community since 1959. Initially, the company focused on residential concrete but Rocky Geans, President of L.L. Geans, expanded his parents' business to include commercial and industrial concrete and construction services.

L.L. Geans serves a 50-mile radius from their office and storage facility on Home Street in Mishawaka. The company specializes in solving problems with unique solutions. According to Rocky, "One of our objectives is to thoroughly investigate problems before trying to solve them. It goes hand-in-hand with our company's philosophy to be honest, work hard, take pride in what we do, and strive to please the customer."

This successful philosophy has made Rocky a role model and mentor in the industry. He is a regular speaker at the World of Concrete and was instrumental in developing CEO Forums, a networking conference for the American Society of Concrete Contractors. Rocky is a consultant for concrete contractors throughout the nation, helping new and established concrete contractors develop and implement proven business techniques.
(Read more about Rocky at www.rockygeans.com)

The L.L. Geans Pledge:
We will give a complete evaluation of your project. We will give you an itemized written estimate. We will consider the project completed only upon final inspection and approval by you.

BECOME PART OF OUR TEAM... Employment Opportunities

Members of American Concrete Institute and American Society of Concrete Contractors

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�2007 L.L. Geans Construction Co. All rights reserved.                                          Equal Employment Opportunities
Address: 1923 N. Home Street, Mishawaka, IN 46545       Email: [email protected]       Telephone: 574-255-9671       Fax: 574-255-8965
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