Building your trust with solid service.

Since 1959, L.L. Geans has provided a wide range of residential concrete contracting services including:
Retaining walls.
Drain tile work.
Patios, driveways, walks.
Trench drains.
Storm water runoff control.
Window well repair.
Decorative concrete.
Garage foundation and slab.
Unilock pavers for landscaping, patios, walks.
Wood retaining walls.
Repair of basement walls.
Residential drywells.

L.L. Geans has built a solid reputation because of our respect for our clients and our appreciation for their repeat business and referrals. You can expect from L.L. Geans:
A family-owned and operated company that has been in business since 1959.
A prompt response to your inquiry.
A contractor that is licensed and insured.
A thorough evaluation of your work site before the job begins so that we can anticipate and accommodate all soil conditions and erosion factors.
A typed, easy-to-read estimate with a complete listing of our specifications.
Competitive pricing.
Quality above the standard — we do many things an average concrete contractor doesn't do, like making the edges of driveways 5 " thick with steel reinforcement since the edges are most vulnerable to wear. The standard is a 4" thickness at the edges.
A foreman on the job site at all times.
Respect for your property and thorough clean-up — we will clean-up the work area at the end of every workday.
Follow-up after the project to make sure you're satisfied.

References are supplied upon request.


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